Friday, November 13, 2015

Work in progress!

I did a small-ish shop from Daiso to get bins to reorganize the kitchen cabinets. 

Let's take a peep at what I have done so far. I will need to get more things, probably have to go to a few Daiso outlets to explore what they have! 

My loot: Bins and baskets!

Already the top shelf looks much neater with everything stowed away! 
Being a short person, I will need to get myself a stool to access the top shelf. I can't wait to get my label maker out to label every bin! 

Baskets with handles to categorize snacks and such in the fridge. The idea is to have a basket for everything in its category. 

1) Get a few of the bins and baskets and not a lot in one go so that you able to estimate the sizing for the space that you working on. Downside is that you will need to make a few trips to the store, but then it will minimize any 'oops' purchases.

2) Get everything in one color, preferably in your kitchen color theme so that everything looks cohesive and neatly organized. (Hey, isn't that the idea?)

Excited with this project! There's lots to do and a few more trips to the stores to get everything I need. So stay tuned! 

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